We have all come across someone who just has that “something” about them.

It’s difficult to put your finger on exactly what it is. You can describe what it is not – it’s not about what they are wearing or the words they are speaking only, so what is this secret factor that makes people stand out?

It’s simple really – it is their vibe or what I like to call their presence. It’s that energy you bring with you when you enter a room. And it can make the difference between a stand out impression or just fading into the background (or worse yet being remembered for all the wrong reasons!)

It starts with being fully present, when you are, you become powerful and that powerful energy exudes from you everywhere you go. Not only can you feel it but other people can too and they are immediately drawn to you. When you are aligned with your presence, you can breathe easily and speak fluidly. You feel genuinely confident and people resonate with you and your message.

Once you tap into this power, something amazing happens and you will start to notice real change in the way people respond to you. People will naturally want to be around you and listen to what you have to say. They will start to recognize that they feel elevated by your presence, though they probably won’t know quite why 😉

But it’s not just about the impact you will have on other people, after all the most important person in your life is you! When you learn to tap into this energy and have an authentic presence you will notice that you are more vibrant and energetic, you will feel more attractive, you may even feel smarter and sharper. The tools I teach have far-reaching benefits throughout all areas of your life.

Creating a powerful and confident presence is something that only happens when you look at yourself from the inside out.

When you are able to genuinely feel happy, joyful and crystal clear about who you are and what you want everything else just flows naturally. When you take this step you will discover that sharing who you are with the world (your brand) becomes easy, authentic, unique and magnetic.

Ready to take the first step to create a strong presence that truly represents you?

I would love to invite you to my next Presence Formula workshop. A full-day workshop dedicated to helping you create a plan to take your personal and professional life to the next level. Read more here

“Thank you Alba for taking what can be a very complicated and difficult process and breaking it down into very workable steps, providing clarity and a plan for action. 
I am feeling inspired to dive even deeper and motivated to take action that will produce results. I am excited to develop a presence and personal brand that is more in alignment with my essence and will take me to the next level in my career and life'. Anne

Make this week a great one

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Alba Gomez is an image and personal brand coach, keynote speaker, first impressions specialist and professional image consultant.

Born in Colombia and based in Australia, she travels nationally and internationally for speaking, executive coaching, consulting and training.

Alba works with individuals and small groups right through to large corporations. She brings her client’s image into line with their personal and professional roles, giving them the clarity and confidence to look and feel their best. Alba uses a unique, results-orientated approach, drawing on her 14 years of experience with systems and processes as an engineer. 

