Positioning yourself as a confident, capable professional must be the priority for any individual looking to make an impact and have a fulfilling career.

This is a self-paced program that will guide you through my proven steps and process, that will help you develop a new level of clarity and confidence to start showing up as a powerful, confident individual.

Your Personal brand journey begins here!


PRICE (US$197 aprox)

BUY NOW **AUD $297**

Sign up HERE to receive your FREE Amplify your Presence and Personal Brand checklist

Alba’s ‘Presence Formula’ is highly engaging, powerful and thought-provoking. It gave me the tools to identify clarity of purpose, and in the process, incorporate a comprehensive strategic plan to amplify my personal brand and build my business.

Alba incorporates industry leading notions and concepts which are pragmatic and effective. I would highly recommend this seminar for any professional looking to build their confidence and develop clarity around their passion and purpose
— Duc Pham, business owner

Are you striving to advance in your career OR POSITION YOURSELF AS A TRUSTED CAPABLE INDIVIDUAL but something is missing in the equation?


When you establish your credibility, you open the doors to opportunity with ease and get noticed for all the right reasons. You are sought after by the media or senior management because of your capabilities and knowledge. Most importantly you build real trust and connection with the people who matter to you most.

There is plenty of leadership and personal branding information flooding the internet but you need something tangible where you walk away with a practical plan that generates real results.

I have created ‘The Presence Formula’ online program with this in mind. A power-packed training where I will be sharing my proven and simple system to amplify your personal brand.

Sign up HERE to receive your FREE Amplify your Presence and Personal Brand checklist

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Each core area has a training module (video). You will also receive your editable workbook.

The videos and workbook work together to create the maximum level of self-awareness, learning and implementation. They are simple, direct to the point and full of valuable teachings.



You will receive the instructions in your inbox so you can log in to the program.

Once you get there you can download your PDF workbook, or if you prefer you can edit it online.

There is a welcome video that will ask you some important questions to set the groundwork for the success of the program.

You will then have the 8 videos for each core area. They are designed to be worked on in the order they are presented, but you can watch them in order of relevance for you. Once you have completed the course, you can go back to the core areas that need more in-depth review.

You will have life-time access to this program and will be made aware of any updates I make to it. As you know we grow and expand and I am continuously upgrading my training, knowledge and experience.



Further developing your PRESENCE AND personal brand will help you convey

more authority and increase your influence in business and life.


I use a unique, result-oriented approach, drawing on my +14 years-experience with processes and systems as an engineer, my experience in the corporate world and my +11 years of experience as a business owner. I have pulled this all together and teamed it with my training as a Presence and Personal Brand Coach to create this unique program. You are getting the system and process I use with my VIP clients.


Sign up HERE to receive your FREE Amplify your Presence and Personal Brand checklist


Having clarity as to what to do and how to do it, is more important than having a lot of knowledge. We live in an era where we have access to so much information. But we fall short with implementation.

This program is designed to help you identify where changes or new tools are needed, then it will guide you in a process of finding alignment within yourself and the goals you want to achieve, then you will learn a variety of powerful and proven tools and be guided through the implementation.


PRICE (US$197 aprox)

BUY NOW **AUD $297**

Thank you Alba for taking what can be a very complicated and difficult process and breaking it down into very workable steps, providing clarity and a plan for action.
I am feeling inspired to dive even deeper and motivated to take action that will produce results. I am excited to develop a personal brand that is more in alignment with my essence and will take me to the next level in my career and life.
— Anne, Operations Manager
The Presence Formula is a very well structured and planned program. Alba has great knowledge on the subject and offers many great tools for immediate practical application.
The content can fit any individual, especially those who are interested in strengthening their brand profile. Highly recommend it!
— Beata Brennan

Sign up HERE to receive your FREE Amplify your Presence and Personal Brand checklist



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✓ A renewed leadership mindset

✓ An understanding of the science behind influencing and inspiring others

✓ The basis to build a recognizable, evident and clear personal brand

Up-levelled confidence that will get positive and powerful results and create an impact in your career

✓ Simple tools to help you communicate your true value, strengths and abilities

✓ Clarity on your point of difference, how to highlight it and position yourself as the leader in your industry

✓ The skills to communicate like a leader

✓ The key to creating powerful first impressions to influence your networks and achieve your goals

✓ The ability to create impact and communicate powerfully in an assertive way

✓ An actionable master plan that will propel your business and career to the next level


Alba has been featured on the media below


This POGRAM is for you if you are an entrepreneur or professional and want to:

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✓ Establish yourself as a credible and trustworthy leader

✓ Stand out in your industry

✓ Up-level yourself and propel your career

✓ Expand your reach as a thought leader

✓ Improve your communications skills

✓ Become highly-sought after as a professional speaker or author

✓ Establish an authentic personal brand

✓ Increase your presence and influence

✓ Establish yourself as an authority in your field

✓ Reinvent yourself and do something different

The Presence Formula has been a very good experience to discuss communication styles, leadership and ways to improve my personal brand.
Alba is a great presenter and facilitator.
I have a clear plan to work on my personal brand and also a great framework for setting and achieving my goals.
— Corrinna, CEO

Who Is Alba Gomez?

Alba Gomez is an image and personal brand coach, keynote speaker, first impressions specialist and media commentator.

Born in Colombia and based in Australia, she travels nationally and internationally for speaking, executive coaching, consulting and training.

Alba works with individuals and small groups right through to large corporations. She brings her client’s brand and presence in line with their personal and professional roles, giving them the clarity and confidence to position themselves as the leaders of their industry. Alba uses a unique, results-orientated approach, drawing on her 14 years of experience with systems and processes as an engineer.

Alba Gomez

PRICE (US$197 aprox)

BUY NOW **AUD $297**

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MORE Testimonials

“It is not often in this busy world that you get the chance to sit and reflect on the person you are and want to be in a positive environment. The Presence Formula provided practical tools as well as a positive outlook on how to achieve my personal and professional goals” Kellie. Digital Account Manager

“Thanks very much to Alba for her professional and enthusiastic approach to leadership and personal branding. I really enjoy The presence Formula program and look forward to implementing all the tools learned and look at my goals with a new energised approach. ” Shannon. Digital Director

“Alba's Presence Formula program was a great exploration and discovery of how to build a personal brand. It focused on practical and scientific concepts that help create a meaningful life and a successful career.” Emma. Business owner

“Alba's program far exceeded my expectations... I regularly take part in professional and personal development programs but this program was the best investment I have ever made. Alba's truly unique system is an absolute necessity for every woman and provides the foundation and launchpad for truly discovering what you are capable of achieving. Thank you Alba” Asha. UWA

“Fantastic and thought-provoking program. Alba is so engaging and inspires you to strive to be the best version of yourself. I love having so much clarity on how to start developing my personal brand and how to establish myself as the leader in my industry” Rebecca. Manager

“Alba your program was inspiring in so many ways. I was very empowered for the entire week. I have made great decisions and started executing my plan. You have given me a boost of confidence and clarity on how to increase my presence and influence” Jessica. Director

“Thanks for sharing your knowledge Alba! Your energy is contagious and your positive approach has motivated me to further develop my personal brand. I have taken the time - which is something I haven't previously allowed myself. I have set some goals already based on what we have learnt today” Vanessa. CEO

“Since learning from with Alba, my confidence went sky high and I achieved some amazing results in my career that I wouldn’t have had and confidence to tackle without Alba’s guidance and support.
Thank you Alba you have helped me a great deal and I will forever be grateful!” Kate. HR Manager


Sign up HERE to receive your FREE Amplify your Presence and Personal Brand checklist