If you want to get the most out of your facebook page you need to start with your profile picture right

Our image says so much about us. we are judged on the spot by the way we look and act. our profile photo is even more important. people who we haven’t met us before just have that photo ‘in their hands ‘ to make a snap judgment about us, who we are, what we stand for, how approachable and even how capable we are. I will share some important factors to consider when selecting your profile photo: 

1. First of all and most important, make sure is a professional or great quality photo of you. Nothing worse than a bad quality picture that will immediately kill your credibility and professionalism. 


2. Vital v, this area is so important. this v extends from the tip of your shoulders to the centre of your chest. This area is always noticed because it is constantly in the peripheral vision when speaking to someone. even minor faults within this area are quickly noticed; as a result, everything within the vital v requires special attention to detail.

3. Use your best colors for the photo, those that complement your natural complexion. The colours you wear within you vital v are going to reflect on your face. Wearing the right colors will make you look healthy, younger and energized. Wear an outfit or accessorize in a way that you feel fantastic.

4. Same goes for the clothing you wear for your profile picture. Make sure everything you put on complements your body shape in a way that you feel confident, powerful and happy. 

5. Smile and have fun, again it needs to look professional but not boring. Just be you, enjoy the moment and show the word who you truly are. Remember that photo will do the ‘talk’ for you.

