I am so excited to be in Santorini again! Ever since I came here 6 years ago I have dreamt of coming back to this magical and special place.

Around 10 years ago I made it a  priority to travel more, as much as I could. In fact, travelling ranks quite high on my 10 top values. When I first decided that I was going to start travelling more, I did not question where the time or money was going to come from or even how I was going to fit it with my lifestyle - I was working full time as an engineer and had maximum 3 weeks holidays a year.

All I knew was that I loved and wanted to travel a lot! I wanted to see the world, different countries, places, experience different cultures, meet different people, see different landscapes.

I made a decision. A decision that excited me a lot. And I even dared to think that I could possibly one day have enough freedom to spend 3 months of the year on holidays travelling... and it's happening already.

I also thought how awesome it would be if I could have my own business and travel the world for work and leisure at the same time. This dream is about to become a reality as in 2016 I will be travelling and working with clients while I travel around the world. I can not believe this is happening!!!

I am now more convinced than ever before that all it takes to make your dreams a reality is to have true desires and take action to make them happen. 

I would love to share my top 5 steps to manifesting your desires:

1. Get clear on your desires. I mean crystal clear: why, what is the purpose and by when do you want your desire to become a reality.

2. Forget about the HOW. Believe it will happen and have faith. I would say this is the most important step. Do not get stuck on the how. Focus more on the why. Get excited about it.

3. Create a vision board and affirmations that support your dream being a reality. Not only fun, but it will keep reminding you of how great it will feel when you get your desire.

4. Speak about nothing other than what is aligned with your desire being a reality.

5. Only ask questions about how it can happen. To God, the universe, or any higher force you believe in.

Using this simple, yet powerful process, I have been able to reach so many goals, little and big.

Are you going to give it a try?

I am sure you will!

Have you seen my latest program, it's your last chance to join.

I have just launched my NEW online program: Your WOW NOW Factor.

I want every woman to be in touch with the core essence of herself and feel confident in the way that she shows up in the world.

Knowing that confidence and beauty is an attitude, I created this program that will get you looking and feeling amazing from the inside out. This is your opportunity to stand in your power and show the world who you truly are. No more hiding, no more doubting if you are worth it!

I want to give you the tools to ensure you create a WOW NOW life and the inner confidence and stylish image that goes with it.

Sign up today here
