It's been over a week since I got back from my holiday and OMG I had an amazing time! 

If you missed some of my emails in the last few weeks I went on a European holiday with my gorgeous fiance ;) And at the end of the holiday, I went to Paris for one of my 4 training events for the Coaching program I am completing this year.

Asturias Spain

Asturias Spain

Having this time to disconnect was awesome. Visiting amazing, beautiful places in Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal was magic. Allowing myself to live in the moment and to enjoy... with no worries at all.... that was quite the experience.

As a business owner, I am always pushing myself, working to be better and struggling with the ups and downs of life...and my moods.

When I left on this holiday I made a conscious decision to take one day at a time and enjoy each one completely.

Ohh it was so easy to get used to taking a nap when I wanted, to eat and drink without thinking about my waist line, to enjoy and savour every moment without any worries or responsibilities. What I was not counting on was the fact that getting back into routine when I got back was going to be so hard! :/

For a whole week I glanced at my to do list...used any excuse to avoid doing what I needed to do... focused on doing 'stuff' for the wedding..spent more time than usual talking to my family... I felt so lost and confused as to how to start that I spent a whole week doing a lot but nothing at the same time. Sound familiar? 

Well, on Monday I finally got my act together. I started my day with my morning rituals, spent longer journaling and did some meditation. After I felt my mind was clear and relaxed I sat down to look with a strategic eye at my business.  I focused on what I really wanted to achieve in the next 90 days and why.  And I created a plan based on that. Once I had a clear vision for the next 3 months I was able to feel my passion and drive coming back. I felt I had a sense of direction and clear and exciting goals.

I had the most productive day in ages!! And felt so accomplished and happy. All that creative energy I had allowed to flourish during the holidays was able to be used in my business planning.

And all I really needed to do was make a decision to commit to taking ACTION!!

Are you ready to take action in your business? Ready to really stand out from the crowd, be visible to the clients you would love to work with, start getting traction in your business and become the go to person in your industry?

Let's talk!!!  Let's create your WOW NOW Personal Brand! Do not waste more time worrying and feeling stuck. You can create a vision and plan for your business that will have you excited to jump out of bed. Let's figure out a plan to attracting your tribe of raving fans and consistently work with high end clients.

It’s completely free and no pressure. We can talk about your personal and career goals, your challenges and how I could help you.

I am looking forward to talking to you soon!
