Did you know that people will form an impression of you within the first 3 seconds of meeting you? Crazy, I know!

Either we like it or not this is the reality.

Studies suggest that 55% of that first impression is created based on what we see (your clothes and body language), 38% based on how you sound-tone and volume and our words take just 7%

This means that if your image and body language are not aligned and sending the right message, your words might be lost. People might get distracted with the way you look and the messages your body language is sending and will miss what you actually have to say.

How you look matters! It affects how you see yourself, how you act and how others perceive you. Your look, combined with how you hold yourself and use your body language will have a massive impact on your ability to create the success you desire.

So let me ask you a question: Are you hiding behind wearing a lot of black? Are you hiding behind clothes that aren’t great fitting? Are you using your body language and image to deliver a strong message?

Let me share with you one of my client's story, Lisa. She came to see me because she was tired of not being taken seriously enough at work

When we started working on Lisa's impression assessment, it was clear to her why people were kind of ignoring her. I create this assessment using 4 core areas of the impressions you create. It's one of my favorite tools because it brings the biggest revelations based on the understanding of how you are actually perceived by others.

Lisa is a very feminine woman, dressing in a very feminine way with a very low volume in her voice. She also has a very approachable personality, a bit on the shy side. Nothing wrong with this, except that when you want to get yourself noticed, be in command and be taken seriously your image must portray credibility and power.

You can dress and use your body language to come across as more approachable or more credible. You can adjust between these 2 positions depending on the situation and the impression you want to create.


We started analyzing the colours and styles that Lisa loved wearing. I analysed her body language and I analysed  her overall appearance and presence. She scored a 5/10 in credibility in this analysis. I shared with Lisa the styles, colours and contrast levels that will help her look more credible. We worked on her body language to add more impact and credibility to her words as well.

This was not about changing Lisa’s personality.

I am all about staying true to who you are.

This process was about teaching her the style, imageand body language tools, so she could learn how to balance her femininity with her credibility when needed. We created a detailed plan that felt 100% comfortable for her for a new power dressing wardrobe.

She was also happy incorporating ways to be more charismatic through her body language. I taught her how to come across as a more credible woman.

When you know you are looking the part and you feel confident with how you are carrying yourself you can focus on what you have to say. You won’t be distracted wondering what others are thinking about you or if you are looking the part.

This was a complete revelation to Lisa. She was able to create an image that was a true reflection of the capable, intelligent woman she is. She was able to walk into boardrooms holding her head up high. She was comfortable addressing people from all walks of life and she was able to command power when she needed to.

This is exactly what I want for you! I want you to be able to balance how you come across naturally with how you actually want to come across as the expert in your field.

Are you a woman who is ready to up-level your style and confidence so that you can reach your personal and career goals? 

If the answer is YES! I would love to invite you to join me.

Introducing ... drum rolling......

My new program:

Stylish and Confident

Create a Strong Image. Project Confidence with ease.

This program gives you: 

Your Personalised Style Portfolio so you can learn EXACTLY how to dress for your unique body and face shape. Do not question ever again if a style suits you or not

Your impression assessment - How do you come across to others? We identify the areas we need to work on to create a standout image and presence for you.

6 x 1-hour mentoring and coaching sessions where you will learn all you need to know to create a successful professional image and presence. Learn the tools, apply the learnings, ask the questions.

This is not only a program about how to dress. This is a complete program that will help you communicate as the confident, powerful woman you want to be through uplifting your presence and learning the details of body language and that is priceless!

All you have to do is look at some of the most successful women in the world, Oprah, Michelle Obama, Sheryl Sandberg, Arianna Huffington to know that it’s their image and presence that make them stand out. So, if you’re ready for a standout image and becoming the confident, radiant person you want to be, then sign up today!

You can read more about the program here

And of course, if you have any questions just hit reply and ask me anything! 

Lots of love

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