I am going to start today, by saying this: It is super important to change your mindset around your wardrobe, shopping and how you see yourself.

From my conversations with many women,  I have heard how there are no good clothes in their size, there are no great shops in "Perth" (change to your city ;), or there are no good colours out there at the moment... the list goes on and on with a series of excuses to justify the lack of excitement about the clothes they own.

But, let me tell you, they are wrong! I have been shopping with women for over 20 years and I ALWAYS find great clothes for everyone, in all sizes, in any city AND at any budget.

Ok.... rant finished ;)

Now that I have you in the right mindset, I want you to know that the key to creating a wardrobe you love is having a wardrobe full of outfits that fit your lifestyle. And as we all have weekends, and days that call for casual outfits I am sharing some ideas on casual dresses today.

Casual wear can be stylish, comfortable and easy to put together.


I totally think that it takes the same amount of time to look well put together as it does to put on some leggings and a tank top. 

Dresses are the easiest way by far to put together an outfit. If you are entering the cooler months, think dresses+leggings+boots. Love that look!

But if you are in the southern hemisphere, it is time to get a few casual dresses and some cute/different sandals.

I wore this outfit a couple of weekends ago when I had a romantic little getaway for the weekend with my husband.

It took me 30 seconds to put on, I looked good to go for breakfast at the hotel and felt comfortable and fresh on this hot day.

I am wearing - Dress: a present, but I know it was $30 because my friend had it and I wanted it, so she got it for me. It's my second summer enjoying it. Sandals: somewhere in Bali. Earrings: Wayne Cooper.


Are you in Perth? Make sure you join me for the LAST Image workshop for 2017. 

If you are a professional woman and would like to learn about my formula to becoming a woman that oozes authentic style and confidence, this is for you! 

The workshop will be inspiring, fun, and it will be full of tips you can implement straight away.

Can't wait to meet you soon!

Read more here

Not in Perth? I've got you covered! I am running a fantastic ONLINE class with my business friend Kerin Briscence, Image Body Coach.

Look too good to stay at home! FREE Online class.

Check out all the details here


Have a fantastic week!
