I still remember clearly the day I went to my first job interview. I was 20 years old and it was for my work experience semester as an engineer. The company was out of the city, my dad drove me there so I didn't get lost- embarrassed! This was way before GPS existed or at least in my life.

The interview was with the most desired company to work for. It's called Familia-Sancela and it is part of the SCA group a multinational pretty much in every country around the world (Kleenex, libra, etc..) I remember sitting in the waiting room with 3 other girls. These girls happened to be my classmates. They were the ones with the highest scores in the whole course, honours here and there, you name it... My heart sank.. I thought there was no way I was going to get this job. I was 'competing' with the 3 most brilliant and intelligent girls in my career...

I still went into the room with my head held high, answered the questions and was my authentic self. I went back to the car where my dad was waiting for me and told him that there was no way I was going to get that job. 

We arrive at home 2 hours later and not long after that the phone rang, it was for me. It was from Familia to let me know I had been selected. ME?? Really? I had a conversation with the HR manager, he explained the conditions, times, the job description and the SALARY!! I soon understood why everyone wanted this job.

To make a very long story short, working for this company was going to be the best thing for my CV. Not only that but the salary for a work experience job was amazing! And the company was actually located in the most beautiful scenery, with its own forest and had a gym. They provided breakfast and lunch... I could even take a nap during my lunch break in the gardens...it was just unbelievable.

Yes, that is me in the middle at a lunch break having a blast with my friends at work.

A few months into my job, one day I was having lunch with my boss and I had to ask him. Why did they pick me? How did I get that job? I did not have any work experience and I was competing with those 3 brilliant girls.

His answer was simple: You had the stronger presence. You showed us how capable you were by the way you presented yourself and how you communicated during that interview. 

I couldn't believe it at the time! Now that I have studied the science of first impressions, presence and personal branding it makes total sense, back then I didn't know any of it. Perceptions are everything. You can be the most intelligent, capable woman but if your appearance and your body language are not telling the world how amazing you are, you are going to go unnoticed. And that is exactly what happened with these other 3 girls. He didn't even know how brilliant they were. And it didn't matter. I am not saying I am not intelligent, I am ;) and I made sure I did a great job in that company. 

I ended up working for this company for 2 years more until I graduated from Uni. They extended my contract, of course!  From there I went to an even better company with a role as a manager of my area at just 23 years old. I was making 5 times more money than my friends. And not just that, I had learnt so much and had amazing experiences in my professional career that helped me grow as a person. I know I was great at my job but my strong presence made all the difference.

You MUST express through your image and Personal Brand how capable and amazing you are. Otherwise you will be missing opportunities. When opportunities become available you will appear invisible. Working on your image is not something you do when you have more money or time. Working on your personal brand will give you more money and time.

When you look great, you feel great and become more confident in your abilities, you get noticed and that will have a massive impact on your levels of happiness and your income. 

I am sure of this! I have seen it over and over again in my years working for corporate, have seen it during my years as an entrepreneur and see it all the time with my clients. You are more trustworthy and trusted brands are remembered and can command higher fees. 

I encourage you today to analyse your presence. Are you looking the part? Is your image and personal brand in line with your goals and where you want to see yourself in the next year?

Because if the answer is no, you must do something about it. 

This is my passion, getting women to stand in their power and look and feel amazing. Creating a stand out presence that has them achieving the success in their life they want.

Today is the last chance to join me for the Stylish, Confident and Visible woman group program. Join this UNIQUE Group Program here  and be in our intimate and awesome group of dynamic women! 

If you prefer personalised attention, let's explore the possibilities of working together. Book a time to chat here!

PS: Today is the last chance to join The Stylish, Confident and Visible Woman! Group program. You are going to love the BONUSES I am offering. 
