Can you believe January is almost over?

The year started very slow for me. After the holiday break, it took a lot for me to get back into the swing of things.  I started feeling that I was failing myself, my business and my goals very quickly. 

This tendency I have to be hard on myself is really a very bad habit. I am sure I am the only one beating herself up continuously ;)

So after a few days of feeling unmotivated, uninspired and tired of just feeling bad about it, I put myself together and did what I know how to do.  

  • I went back to basics and revisited my values and my vision for my life and business

  • I looked into my priority human needs (great tool to help you feel alive and balanced)

  • I revisited my goals for this year - including all the areas of my life

  • I booked fun time every week - including lots of beach time

  • I restarted my morning rituals - walking, meditating, journaling, etc...


One thing I knew is that I was not going to let a month pass by...and I was certainly not going to let that month snowball into a year and take my life off track.

I am happy to report that now I am feeling amazing, grounded, clear and excited with the year ahead.

What would it take for you to prioritise some time right NOW to help you feel clear and excited with your year ahead?

Because I know you desire to step into your full potential this year...

You are wanting to speak with more confidence - in meetings, on stage and with the people in your life...

You want to feel more fierce and have more determination...

You want to advance in your career and feel happy with your life...

BECAUSE it is time to stop hiding! When we hide we lose opportunities, we miss out on having fulfilling relationships and we don't enjoy ourselves!

My desire for you is that you remember who you are, at your core, so you can make it bigger, bolder and more beautiful!!!

Because you deserve it and because this is your time!!

Ready to make it happen? Let's work together!  I have a SUPER SPECIAL offer for those of you ready to make this year your year!!

This is your opportunity to work with me over the course of 3 sessions to unleash the exceptional you!

This is a very special package: You will be SAVING +$1500, I put together some amazing bonuses for you and you will have unlimited access to me via Voxer (app on your phone) during the time we work together.

Read more here

Lots of love!!

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Alba Gomez is an image and personal brand coach, keynote speaker, first impressions specialist and professional image consultant.

Born in Colombia and based in Australia, she travels nationally and internationally for speaking, executive coaching, consulting and training.

Alba works with individuals and small groups right through to large corporations. She brings her client’s image into line with their personal and professional roles, giving them the clarity and confidence to look and feel their best. Alba uses a unique, results-orientated approach, drawing on her 14 years of experience with systems and processes as an engineer. 

