Welcome to 'The outfit of the week' (OOTW). 

If you are new to the WOW NOW community, this is how the 'OOTW' works. Once a week I send a photo of one of my outfits and I explain the individual pieces including the accessories.

Today is an extra special OOTW for you!

After months of Wedding Preparation and Celebration I wanted to share with you the story of my wedding dress.

A couple of years ago one of my friends sent me a picture of a wedding dress and I absolutely fell in love with it. I kept the photo just in case ;)

When Scotty proposed last July I still had the photo so I knew exactly what I wanted my dress to be like. I wasted no time in contacting one of my designer friends in Medellin and asked him to help me find someone who could create the dress for me.

In December when I visited Colombia we bought the fabric together and created a prototype of my dress in a different fabric.

As I headed back to Australia my dress maker continued work on my dream dress. And I continued with all my other preparations!

With less than a month to go I arrived in Colombia and on May 6th I tried on my dress for the first time... it was a bit too big but I could already see it coming together as I had hoped. A few days later I tried the last version of my dress and it was perfect! I was ready for the happiest day of my life.


I have dreamed of getting married to the man of my dreams since I was 6 years old. Finally the day had arrived and I couldn't have been happier.

Dreams do come true.

Many of my dreams have come true in the last 2 weeks. It's been an amazing time celebrating with my friends and family and I am looking forward to returning to Australia with my new husband.

If you are ready to make yourself a priority and make your dreams come true, let's talk ...

Reserve your spot to start your 90 day transformation. Once you sign up you will have time to work on your welcome packet and get started working on my guide to feeling more confident, beautiful and empowered. 

My 90-day package is designed to delve deep into all areas of your life and image and create a transformational change that has long-reaching impact.

If you have any questions about starting the path to a more authentic and influential self you can book your own discovery call here:

Book Now

Cant wait to start working with you



