I often hear from women who think I am always outgoing and high energy. That I jump out of bed with a made up face and beaming smile. But this is not the case, just like everyone else I have days when I feel flat.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life and have put a lot of effort into turning my passions into my business. But I have just returned from a beautiful holiday with my family and after a big New Year's I woke up feeling much less than my usual bubbly self.

This is one of the times I wake up feeling flat just like everyone else does sometimes. I could have chosen to just stay that way or do something that would change my mindset.

So I jumped on Facebook live in my WOW NOW Revolution group  (If you haven't joined the group please do, I share lots of fun stuff there) to share how I deal with feeling less than perfect. Even without makeup and not feeling my best because I want to share my journey and strategies in both the high times and the low. And since I had such a great response to the video I decided to share the message with you all.

The key for me is going inside my heart and just letting the feelings come and giving them space. I don't fight them or try to make them disappear.

I am a big believer in setting a 90 day plan so I then reconnect to what I want the next 90 days to be. I gently allow myself to ride the journey but keep my focus. I ask myself the question - How can I be of service over the next 90 days and how can I be more loving and connected to those around me?

Through meditation, journaling and giving myself this gentle space I am able to shift my flat mindset. Doing this I can always open the doorway to the path I want to be on.

I hope it will help you too, you can watch the full video by clicking below:

Share with me, how are you feeling after the festive season?

What is your mindset coming into the new year?

I would love to hear from you. Send me an email or head over to my facebook group for women wanting a safe space to connect with other professional women on the same journey.

Lots of love
