For some of us, putting ourselves out there and feeling visible doesn’t feel that comfortable.

Do you feel you will be judged by your friends, family, colleagues or clients? Does standing out not feel safe because then you will be critiqued and people will talk about you?

We all have felt this way at one time or another... for some of us many times.

But what if you worried less about what people think?

What if we brought all that attention to you, to how you see yourself and how you treat yourself instead of wasting so much energy on what others might or might not say about you?

I am all for being authentic. You have to be who you are, fully, unapologetically, and from that place, you will connect with the people that are meant to be in your life. I have learned that staying true to myself makes me and others happy.

In my day-to-day decisions, I always check in with myself and act in line with that. 

For me, it’s all about feeling comfortable being who you are AND sharing that with the world. Don’t be afraid of being different, imperfect or standing out.

Being visible is the way to attract more clients or promotions, more opportunities, better relationships, and bring into your life more of the really good things. 

So I would like to make an invitation to you. Give yourself permission to be YOU and worry less about what people will think of you.

And if you are ready to create a stronger presence and personal brand, make sure you check out my Online program 'The Presence Formula' here. You can get it now for 1/3 of the normal price!

To being more visible!

Alba Gomez is a presence and personal brand coach, keynote speaker, first impressions specialist and professional image consultant. Born in Colombia and based in Australia, she travels nationally and internationally for speaking, executive coaching, consulting and training.

Alba works with individuals and small groups right through to large corporations. She brings her client’s brand into line with their personal and professional roles, giving them the clarity and confidence to communicate and be their best. Alba uses a unique, results-orientated approach, drawing on her 14 years of experience with systems and processes as an engineer. 
