I am less than 3 months away from my 41st birthday... wow!!! This has had me reflecting a lot. I may well have lived more than half of my life already.

I am so grateful that around the time I turned 33, I made a decision to change my life. Right up until then, I had been living in such a victim position, making everything and everyone the reason why my life wasn't turning out the way I wanted it to turn out.

It wasn't that the time felt perfect, or that I had enough money to invest in myself or the things I wanted to do....definitely not!

But I learned this lesson: There is never a perfect time to do what you know you have to do!! If you wait for the perfect time or until you have the money or until you feel ready, you will actually never do it.

When I look back at how I have managed to change for the better different areas of my life, I know it happened because I decided to take a leap of faith!  A leap of faith in me and in believing things were going to work out for me.

Waiting for the right time is the most common excuse and one of the best ways to sabotage your success and living to your full potential.

As much as I have embraced this philosophy, I recently found myself making the same excuse for a 'big project' that has been brewing in the background for a few months now.

I kept making excuses saying: now it is not the time, I have other things that are more important to take care of first, I am going to save 'x' amount of money before thinking of starting, etc...

Then life, being as wise as it is, created a chain of events that threw me out of my flow and forced me to stop and re-think everything.

As soon as I got grounded and checked in...the answer was obvious. This 'project' is important to me and I have been ignoring it. I started having conversations with friends and my husband and that made me open up and talk about it. I now see how important it is to make it happen. 

Long story short, I have decided I am making 'IT' happen now! (Not telling what it is just yet.... Eeeekkkkk so exciting and scary at the same time) !!!. Because deep in my heart I know I want to do it and if I keep waiting any longer I may never do it. 


I do not want to look back at my life when I turned 50 and feel that my fears were bigger than my dreams. No way! I prefer to regret the mistakes I made not the hopes and dreams I never made happen. 

Now...What is 'this thing' you know you have to start making happen now instead of procrastinating? It might be 1 or 2 or many things.

What can you start doing today to make it happen?

Step#1 is very simple. You just need to make a decision. Then you just have to make a plan. 

If one of your 'things' is that you have been thinking about working with me for a while, I invite you to make a decision.

Let's talk...

This is the work I am deeply passionate about!!

Helping you take action now! Stepping into your best version and being true to your heart's desires. Finding and sharing who you are in an authentic way that creates the success you were born to have.

So many areas of your life will change for the better and the impact will permeate every area of your life. My clients say it best: ‘I feel alive and my passion for life is back.’, ‘I don’t even recognize myself and my new levels of confidence.‘, ‘My relationship with my husband has completely changed.’, ‘I got the job of my dreams.’, ‘My income has doubled in the last month.’.. and all of this just because they have got back in touch with who they are and what they want to create now!

Does this sound like what you need to move forward in a positive way? Let’s talk

To you, making it happen now!

Lots of love

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Alba Gomez is an image and personal brand coach, keynote speaker, first impressions specialist and professional image consultant.

Born in Colombia and based in Australia, she travels nationally and internationally for speaking, executive coaching, consulting and training.

Alba works with individuals and small groups right through to large corporations. She brings her client’s image into line with their personal and professional roles, giving them the clarity and confidence to look and feel their best. Alba uses a unique, results-orientated approach, drawing on her 14 years of experience with systems and processes as an engineer. 

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