I had once again decided that I needed to get fitter and healthier... So 'next Monday' was going to be the day I was going to begin improving my diet and doing more exercise...

Well, guess what? Another Monday where I failed to get started. But the following Monday I did succeed. WHY? I created a simple strategy. Booked the classes I was going to attend with my fitness group at the park. Created a menu for the week and purchased all the groceries I needed for it.

The dictionary defines strategy as a plan of action designed to achieve an aim.

Without a strategy, we fail. 

If you are going to networking events and showing up on LinkedIn occasionally with no strategy. The result: Well.... no result.

Strategies don't need to be complicated AT ALL! A simple list or step-by-step plan is all you need.

Having a simple strategy in place for how you do business and life will simplify things and make your day-to-day easier. 

In the same way, your personal brand needs a strategy and how you approach the next few months, or the next project needs a strategy... That is if you want to achieve something you have been wanting to accomplish.

It can be simple, but it needs an investment of a little bit of time to clarify where exactly you are going and what areas need focus. After that, you set some steps. 

How you show up in the world is everything, it will allow you to increase your visibility to opportunities. If you maximise how you show up and the efforts you make, you will be able to get greater results. 

Clarifying and amplifying your personal brand is the KEY to making LinkedIn work for you! The same goes for networking events, when you are clear on your strategy, you make the most out of the people you connect with.

If this is something that interests you, and wants to learn more about how to get started, you can listen now to this FREE online masterclass, where I shared 3 steps to getting more opportunities, more visibility and clear brand recognition. You can craft a personal brand that will take you to the next level in your career or business.

Listen to this full of juicy content masterclass here 

Make this a great week! 

Alba Gomez is a presence and personal brand coach, keynote speaker, first impressions specialist and professional image consultant. Born in Colombia and based in Australia, she travels nationally and internationally for speaking, executive coaching, consulting and training.

Alba works with individuals and small groups right through to large corporations. She brings her client’s brand into line with their personal and professional roles, giving them the clarity and confidence to communicate and be their best. Alba uses a unique, results-orientated approach, drawing on her 14 years of experience with systems and processes as an engineer. 
