When I first talked to 'Nadia', it was very clear that she had a big goal in mind that she wanted to achieve.

She wanted to become the CEO of a mining company. Not many women hold this position in Australia. So it was a big goal to say the least.

She had experienced some wins and recognition during her career but was working harder than ever and felt stuck on how to go to the next level.

She knew that changes needed to happen within herself. She was very competent, but it was her self-doubt that was stopping her from moving forward with her dream.

Nadia, let's call her that as she would prefer to keep her name anonymous, was tired of living with tall poppy syndrome (fear of standing out as people might think you believe you are better than others - a well known saying in Australia and NZ) and was ready for some serious growth and recognition for her achievements.

She heard me speaking at an event and recognised from my presentation that taking her confidence, presence and personal brand to the next level was exactly what she needed.

The first step when working with all of my clients is to help them understand themselves at a deeper level. To really understand why they act and think the way they do. To fully see their paradigm (set of beliefs and habits learned in our childhood that affects every move we make) and how that is stopping them from where they want to go.

Nadia was a very driven woman but her drive came from the need to prove herself to others. The shift happened immediately when she understood why she acted the way she did and she then started to own her own dreams and desires for herself.

She understood she needed to let go of some beliefs that did not serve her anymore and how important it was to develop self-belief and confidence to go after everything she really desired. She owned her dream goal with more clarity than ever before.

She knew she had to step into the confident and strong woman she really was and had to be comfortable standing out. She decided to work with me on my 4-month coaching program Unstoppable.

Nadia was willing to do the work. She put the effort into changing what wasn't working and learned the new tools I shared with her to help her grow. She was coachable, disciplined and open.

In her own words, 'Before I met Alba, I was relatively happy and confident, but I wanted to get to the next level in my life because I was not achieving the professional results I wanted.

I have found my “voice”. This is the voice that demonstrates my conviction. I am not nervous about knowing what to say anymore. I don’t have to over-plan. I just sit and listen to others when they speak. When it’s my turn, what needs to be said comes out naturally. I feel liberated. After working with Alba, I am living by intention and I have obtained the CEO position I was seeking'.

My heart pounds loudly with pride as I re-read these words. I feel honoured to have been able to see this woman owning who she is, going after her dreams, stepping up every day and taking on all the challenges she has to face. It is seriously nothing short of inspiring.

I trust this story inspires you too. To dream big and to develop yourself to be the person you were always meant to be. To decide that you can make the most out of who you are today and that whatever you desire is possible for you.

Make this a great week!

Alba Gomez is a presence and personal brand coach, keynote speaker, first impressions specialist and professional image consultant. Born in Colombia and based in Australia, she travels nationally and internationally for speaking, executive coaching, consulting and training.

Alba works with individuals and small groups right through to large corporations. She brings her client’s brand into line with their personal and professional roles, giving them the clarity and confidence to communicate and be their best. Alba uses a unique, results-orientated approach, drawing on her 14 years of experience with systems and processes as an engineer. 
