Last March in Los Angeles, at one of my training events (part of my coaching certification program), we spent a whole morning studying and analysing the top habits of highly successful people.

I have always been fascinated with how little practices can have a massive impact on the results we get in life. 

I have chosen the top 7 habits and I am sharing them with you below. From my personal experience, I know that the key is to try them all and stick to the ones that resonate better with you. You can keep them handy on a card where you can see them easily. And also decide what times of the day work best for you.

These practices now make up part of my daily morning rituals and haveamazingly helped me feel more centred, confident and have hugely supported my success. Enjoy them!

But before I share them with you I wanted to share that I am super excited with my latest creation! A VIP Full day program! The Fearless and Stylish Woman. Read more about it here

Me in Los Angeles last March attending the Divine Living Academy live event with Gina Devee

Me in Los Angeles last March attending the Divine Living Academy live event with Gina Devee

Here are the top 7 habits:

  1. Gratitude journal: I personally write at least 5 things I am grateful for every day. When I am having a difficult time I do at least 10 minutes of gratitude journaling
  2. Exercise: This one is one of my challenges. However since I have a PT who comes to my home I am getting better and better at it. I also make it fun by having a dancing session a week.
  3. Meditation: I definitely struggled for years with his one. I now have guided meditations that go for anywhere between 5 minutes to 30 minutes. Guided meditation has worked great for me
  4. Visualisation and affirmations: The power of our brain is unlimited and when we say something we want with intention or visualise as if it has already happened we start the process of manifestation.
  5. Reading: I love reading and I am always reading some mindset book. Read something that inspires you or teaches you something new.
  6.  Prioritise your tasks... ohh the power of planning and being organised. At the beginning of your day check what you need to achieve and do the biggest or more difficult task first
  7. Write down your goals: It is said only 1% of the world has written goals. I am sure that has increased in the last 5 years. I write my goals for the next year, the next 90 days, the next month, the next week. Clarity is everything

Now it's all up to you! Are going to implement these practices?

Alba Gomez Signature

PS: Are you ready to take action, stand in your power, look, feel and be your best? 

The Fearless and Stylish Woman -  VIP Full day is here!

I am so excited to invite you to join me for a VIP Intensive day.  I am opening only 2 spots. 

Are you one of the two women who are ready to create their WOW NOW Image and Personal Brand to increase your bottom line results?

Available in person, via phone or Skype.

Read more about what this super special offer is about here.
