Have you ever second-guessed yourself about how to balance being approachable but at the same time being respected

Chad is a lawyer who wanted to stop second-guessing himself and be more confident with his communication. He wanted to create a personal brand that positioned himself as an expert in his field. 

He felt he was too nice trying to make others feel comfortable and did not know how to speak up without being seen as rude. He knew he wasn't communicating effectively because his emotions were getting in the way.

He was tired of being treated like he wasn't sure and being questioned about his knowledge and opinion.

He also thought he needed the validation of having more skills to be seen as an expert. But something made him realise it wasn't about having more skills but further developing his confidence and communication.

Then he found one of my posts on LinkedIn and decided to contact me. We worked together in one of my coaching programs and a couple of months after we finished, he reached out to share his progress with me:

"What I learned from you about communication has been a game changer: How to be listened to, how to really listen, how to be respected and how to communicate clearly. I am now being consistent with my communication and I am managing my emotions better, this has improved massively my relationships in business and in life.

I am being more confident in my decisions and knowing how to communicate with authority in meetings and at court to get my point across. 

I feel respected, I am not constantly frustrated anymore having to over-explain myself and I can ask for things and get a good result and response. I feel like a true leader.

Now I know my worth and I am very good at dealing with difficult situations whereas before I would struggle to communicate clearly.

I no longer do things that don't feel aligned or that I feel I am supposed to do. Now I am so sure of myself and I have never been like this before. I am sure of what I know and have to offer and now my presence and delivery show that. That has changed how I feel and how I am perceived.

I went from second-guessing myself to feeling like I am killing it!!! The directors have seen my confidence grow and how I have stepped up and have now been made a partner.

Looking back to a year ago I was anxious and didn't really know where I stood in the world and now I feel so sure of who I am and how I communicate. I want everybody who joins my team to work with you!

I really appreciate your guidance and support in this process. I thought it was random that I found you but I am so happy I decided to do this!"

It's hard to express how blessed I am to get testimonials like this! ❀️ I feel so honored to be able to be part of people's lives and successes!

Interested in getting results like this for you? I am opening a few spots to work with me in a smaller container to help you close this year on a high note. You can read more about the details here

Lots of love,

Alba Gomez is a presence and personal brand coach, keynote speaker, first impressions specialist and professional image consultant. Born in Colombia and based in Australia, she travels nationally and internationally for speaking, executive coaching, consulting and training.

Alba works with individuals and small groups right through to large corporations. She brings her client’s brand into line with their personal and professional roles, giving them the clarity and confidence to communicate and be their best. Alba uses a unique, results-orientated approach, drawing on her 14 years of experience with systems and processes as an engineer. 
